


ニュース 第7回国際シンポジウムの論文集が公表されました。



2018年12月10日開催の第7回国際シンポジウム「Let’s Work Together Toward Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals」の論文集が学術ジャーナル「Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review Volume 17, Issue 1, January 2020」で公表されました。
Special issue: The 7th International Symposium on Human Survivability “Let’s Work Together Toward Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals”
Yuichi Ikeda, Pages 145-149
Vision, identity, and collective behavior change on pathways to sustainable futures
Ilan Chabay, Pages 151-165
Measuring countries’ progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: methodology and challenges
Michal Shinwell, Guillaume Cohen, Pages 167-182
Power grid with 100% renewable energy for small island developing states
Yuichi Ikeda, Pages 183-195
Coevolution of institutions and residents toward sustainable glocal development: a case study on the Kuni Umi solar power project on Awaji Island
Natsuka Tokumaru, Pages 197-217
Location-sector analysis of international profit shifting on a multilayer ownership-tax network
Tembo Nakamoto, Odile Rouhban, Yuichi Ikeda, Pages 219-241
The shift of food value through food banks: a case study in Kyoto, Japan
Ayaka Nomura, Pages 243-264
An interdisciplinary study: disseminating information on dengue prevention and control in the world-famous travel destination, Bali, Indonesia
Minako Jen Yoshikawa, et al, Pages 265-293

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