イベント 2017年1月10日(火)18:15より、総合生存学思想研究会ゲスト講演「マインドフルネスとリーダーシップ」を開催いたします。
総合生存学思想研究会 ゲスト講演
Research Group on the Philosophy of Survivability – Guest Lecture
Title: “Mindfulness & Leadership: What Makes an Effective and Resilient Leader?”
Date: Tuesday 10th January, 2017
Time: 18:15-19:45
Place: Kyoto University Higashi Ichijo-Kan, 2F, Lecture Hall [ACCESS]
京都大学東一条館2階 大講義室
Language: mainly English (議論は日本語可)
Free, open to everybody,
registration needed by email to:philosophia*gsais.kyoto-u.ac.jp(Please replace the * with @)
Guest Lecturer:
Jeremy Hunter, PhD
Associate Professor of Practice and Founding Director of the Executive Mind Leadership Institute at the Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management at Claremont Graduate University, Los Angeles, California (USA)
With Guest Commentator:
Rev. Takafumi Kawakami
(Shunkoin Temple & Zen Center, Myoshin-ji, Kyoto)
GSAIS (Shishu-Kan) Discussants:
Prof. Masakatsu Fujita
Prof. Eriko Kawai
Assoc. Prof. Hiroaki Isobe
Assoc. Prof. Marc-Henri Deroche (Chairman)
“I have been urging this kind of self-knowledge for years, but now it is essential for survival.”
-Peter F. Drucker, “The Post-Capitalist Executive”