Kyoto University, Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS/Shishukan)


References & Publications

The three foundational books or manuals for our research group and the entrance exam (section of Philosophy) are:

  1. Hadot, P. (2002). What is Ancient Philosophy? Translated from the French by Michael Chase. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
  2. Gethin, R. (1998). The Foundations of Buddhism. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press.
  3. Feldman, C. & Kuyken, W. (2019). Mindfulness. Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Psychology. New York: Guilford Press.

Our recent publications include:

  1. Deroche, M.-H. (2023). Une quête tibétaine de la sagesse: Prajñāraśmi (1518-1584) et l’attitude impartiale (ris med). Brepols Publishers.
  2. Deroche, M.-H. (2022). Ethos of the Great Perfection: Continual Mindfulness According to Patrul's Foundational Manual. Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 29, pp. 177-204.
  3. Deroche, M.-H. (2021). Living Mindfully Through Crisis: Searching for Life Advice in the "Philosophy-Medicine" of Buddhism. Eidos: A Journal for Philosophy of Culture, 5(1), pp. 50-69. DOI: 10.14394/eidos.jpc.2021.0004
  4. Deroche, M.-H. (2021). Mindful Wisdom: The Path Integrating Memory, Judgment, and Attention. Asian Philosophy, 31(1), pp. 19-32. DOI: 10.1080/09552367.2021.1875610
  5. Deroche, M.-H. (2021). The Conversion of Attention: Mindfulness in Classical Dzogchen. Philosophy East and West, 71(4), pp. 872-876. DOI:10.1353/pew.2021.0060.
  6. Deroche, M.-H. (2021). (Translated in Japanese from English by Masatake Shinohara)「生き方としての哲学――「聞・思・修」の意義と可能性」In 池田裕一[編]『実践する総合生存学』京都大学学術出版会、pp. 207-234.

Collective book project: Special Issue of the peer-reviewed journal Religions on
"Study, Reflection, and Cultivation: Integrative Paths to Wisdom from Buddhist and Comparative Perspectives"

  1. Deroche, M.-H, and Michael R. Sheehy. (2022). "The Distinctive Mindfulness of Dzogchen: Jigme Lingpa’s Advice on Meta-Awareness and Nondual Meditation" Religions 13, no. 7: 573.
  2. Jannel, Romaric. (2022). "Xuanzang and the Three Types of Wisdom: Learning, Reasoning, and Cultivating in Yogācāra Thought" Religions 13, no. 6: 486.
  3. Kusumoto, Ryotaro. (2022). "Sources of Japanese Buddhist Philosophy of Education: Saichō (最澄, 766/7–822) on Study, Reflection, and Cultivation" Religions 13, no. 7: 624.
  4. Gnon-na, Lobsang Tshultrim. (2022). "Theory and Practice of Tranquil Abiding Meditation in Tibet: The Pith Instructions of Yeshe Gyaltsen (1713–1793) and His Predecessors" Religions 13, no. 11: 1057.
  5. Nomura, Masaki. (2022). "Zen Philosophy of Mindfulness: Nen 念 according to Dōgen’s Shōbōgenzō" Religions 13, no. 9: 775.

Other references

  • Bibliography of foundational readings for research (PDF) (coming soon)


"Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Coming of Age"
Keynote by Professor Willem Kuyken
Perspectives on Mindfulness from Kyoto's Gardens
人文社会科学・分離融合的研究プロジェクト 令和4年度研究報告会
ウェルビーイング連続セミナー2022 第4回
Mini-workshop: Mindfulness East & West, Introduction
SSIUK LECTURES: Mindfulness, Perspectives from the Nyingma Tradition
Contemplative Practice in Tibetan Context I
Ethos of the Great Perfection (Deroche)