


News The international workshop "BCK23: Blockchain Kaigi 2023" was held.

The international workshop “BCK23: Blockchain Kaigi 2023” was held on October 28 and 29, 2023 at RIKEN’s Kobe campus. It was organized by the GSAIS and Prof. Yuichi Ikeda served as the chair of the steering committee. Researchers and practitioners working at the cutting edge of crypto assets and blockchain research gathered from around the world to give 22 presentations over the two days. Participants included 30 from domestic universities, 3 from overseas universities, 26 from domestic companies, and 7 from overseas companies. Researchers and practitioners with various backgrounds participated, and even though the word “blockchain” is used in a single word, the presentations covered a wide range of topics, from mathematical research on blockchain technology to case studies of companies that have applied the technology. Many questions and comments were asked on the content of each presentation, and a lively discussion ensued during the Q&A session. Moreover, the discussion was not limited to the Q&A session, but continued during lunch and breaks as well, as participants discussed the contents of the presentations. Next year’s BCK24 will be held at the University of Zurich in Switzerland. It was an intellectually stimulating two-day event where we were able to experience the cutting edge of blockchain research.
Written by Kazuho Nomura(PhD Student at GSAIS, Kyoto University)


Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability,
Kyoto University

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