Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (Shishu-Kan), Kyoto University



Students’ Activities

Last update: 2024-11-15

Doctoral Thesis

Academic Year 2023

Jin, Zhe Poverty Alleviation by Using Solar Energy: Evaluation of the Solar Energy for Poverty Alleviation Program (SEPAP) in Jinzhai County, China (太陽光エネルギーを活用した貧困削減プログラムの評価 —中国金寨県の事例を中心に—) Kyoto University Repository
Sada, Sotaro A Study on Regional Economic Integration via Network Analyses of the International Trade in Value-added and Asian Political Distances (国際付加価値貿易とアジアの政治的距離のネットワーク分析による地域経済統合の研究) Kyoto University Repository
Tsuchida, Ryo 災害への適応からレジリエンスの創造へ—スリランカの水害常襲地ラトゥナプラ市の事例から—(From Adaptations to Creating Resilience for Disasters: A Case Study of Water-Related Disaster-Prone Area Ratnapura City in Sri Lanka) Kyoto University Repository
Ohki, Yu Applications of Data Science to Healthcare Issues in Aging Population (高齢化社会が抱える健康課題に対するデータ科学の応用) Kyoto University Repository
Li, Wenlong Transportation Accessibility of Ancient China and Its Socioeconomic Impact (古代中国の交通アクセシビリティとその社会経済的影響) Kyoto University Repository
Sakakibara, Keiji 不確実性下における再生可能エネルギーの定量リスク評価と投資戦略(Quantitative Risk Valuations and Investment Strategies of Renewable Energy under Uncertainty) Kyoto University Repository
Ke, Deng Studies on Heat-related Health Risks and Evaluation Methods in Japan: The Effects of Global Warming and COVID-19 Pandemic (日本の熱関連健康リスクとその評価手法に関する研究-地球温暖化と新型コロナウイルスの影響を踏まえて-) Kyoto University Repository
Ono, Saori 政府開発援助による海外直接投資促進効果の検証(Examination of the Effects of Official Development Assistance on Promoting Foreign Direct Investment) Kyoto University Repository
Kawasaki, Rachael Kei Attitudes towards Immigrants in Individual, Regional, and International Perspectives(個人・地域・国際的視点から移民に対する態度) Kyoto University Repository

Academic Year 2022

Iwasaki, Shoko 幼児期からの好奇⼼の発達に関する研究(Curiosity Development from Early Childhood) Kyoto University Repository
Okazoe(Shioyama), Satsuki インドにおける⻘年期⼥⼦のキャリア展望に関する研究(A study on Career Prospects of Adolescent Girls in India) Kyoto University Repository
Futsuki, Kouta ⼈道⽀援における⼈権保護―責任アプローチの概念と実施可能性―(Human Rights Protection in Humanitarian Assistance: Theory and Feasibility of Responsibility Approach) Kyoto University Repository
Tsuruha, Eri ⾼齢者にとっての世代間交流の意味―エイジング・パラドックスに着⽬して―(The significance of inter-generational interaction for elderly people: from the Aging Paradox perspective) Kyoto University Repository

Academic Year 2021

XU CONG Shared leadership: An empirical investigation of its dimensionality, antecedents, and application Kyoto University Repository
Kazuki HAO 再生可能エネルギー発電所の立地リスクに関する地理情報システム分析の応用 Kyoto University Repository
Narumi MOTEGI 超高齢社会における障害者施策のあり方に関する研究
Kyoto University Repository
Moe FUJITA Development of Risk Assessment Framework and Policy Recommendation for Improving Social Resilience Kyoto University Repository

Academic Year 2020

Ayaka NOMURA The Hidden Contribution of Food Literacy to Food Waste Reduction Kyoto University Repository
RIBEIRO BRUNO Study of Effective Use of Sugarcane Residue as Eco-friendly Construction Materials for Disaster Prevention Structures Kyoto University Repository
Daikichi SEKI Space Weather Prediction Using Ground-Based Observations Kyoto University Repository
Tembo NAKAMOTO The International Tax System in the Digitalized Economy Studied from the Viewpoints of Network Science and Policy Processes Kyoto University Repository
Rina MAEDA Synthesis and Evaluation of the Pyrrole-Imidazole Polyamides for Cancer Treatment  Kyoto University Repository
LIU CHEN Structural Studies of Pt-Based Electrocatalysts for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells Kyoto University Repository
Go OKUI ハンナ・アーレントの政治哲学の射程 -開発の再考に向けて- Kyoto University Repository

Academic Year 2019

Yugo TANAKA 持続可能なエネルギーシステムを目指した政策デザイン手法の研究-日本の事例からの示唆- Kyoto University Repository
Ye SUN Studies on Spring Conservation:Biological Indicators, Habitat Classification and its Assessment Kyoto University Repository
Mbuli Charles BOLIKO An Evaluation of Rural Electrification Using a Sustainability Assessment Framework: The Case of Kenya Kyoto University Repository
Kyoko KIRIYAMA 地域とともにある遺跡保存―自然環境の制御による保存対策と社会的協力― Kyoto University Repository
Yusuke SASAKI Synthetic Constitution and Modulation of Microbial Metabolic Systems for Advanced BioChemical Generation Kyoto University Repository
Nanao FUJIMURA A Consideration of Applying Collective Impact Framework to Sustainable Tourism:
The Case Studies in California, United States and Iriomote Island, Japan
Kyoto University Repository

Academic Year 2018

Yuki OKU Local redox imbalance induced by intraorganellar accumulation of misfolded proteins Kyoto University Repository
Keitou SHU Application of Mirror-image Screening Technology by Expansion of Bioassay Systems and Chiral Resources Kyoto University Repository
Tomoharu TAKAHASHI Effects of Competence-Based Curriculum in Secondary Education : Focusing on Critical Thinking and Career Development of Rwandan Students Kyoto University Repository

Academic Year 2017

Alexander Ryota KEELEY Foreign Direct Investment in Renewable Energy in Developing Countries Kyoto University Repository
Shotaro NAGANUMA An Assessment of Civic Scientific Literacy and Its Long-term Formation Kyoto University Repository
Miharu HIRANO The Legal Structure of Global Administration for the Realisation of the Human Right to Water Kyoto University Repository
Taizo YOKOYAMA Dialogue in Self-Help Group Kyoto University Repository
Shanji LI An Integrated Approach to Combat Diseases of Poverty: Malaria as an Example Kyoto University Repository

Master’s Thesis

Obtaining a master’s degree is optional under our 5-year doctoral program.

Academic Year 2022

Empirical analysis of ESG risk by industry sector using ESG risk-extended model for Japan and the U.S.(ESG risk-extended modelを⽤いた産業別ESGリスクの⽇⽶⽐較および実証分析)
建物の⾼さの代理変数としての夜間光データ利⽤の提案(Proposal for the Use of Night Light Data as a Proxy Variable for Building Height)
時系列分析を⽤いた介護サービスにおける制度改定の効果及び新型コロナウイルスの影響に関する検討(A Study about the Impacts of LTCI Revision and Covid-19 on the Use of LTC Services Based on Time Series Analysis)
Evaluation of the Terrestrial Aquatic Environment Using Remote Sensing and Numerical Simulation(リモートセンシングと数値シミュレーションを⽤いた地球⽔圏環境の評価)
社会起業家に共通する⾮認知能⼒の特徴についてー⽇本の社会起業家と⼀般社会⼈との⽐較からー(The Characteristics of Non-Cognitive Abilities that are Common to Social Entrepreneurs: A Comparison between Japanese Social Entrepreneurs and the General Working Population)
⽔中ドローンを⽤いた沿岸域プラスチックごみの検出と⼤阪湾への展開(Detection of Plastic Debris in Coastal Areas Using Underwater Drones and its Deployment in Osaka Bay)

Academic Year 2021

演劇公演の配信形態が聴衆に与えるインパクトに関する研究 ―演劇関係者に対するアンケート調査より―(A Survey on the Impact of the Delivery Format of Theatrical Performances on the Audience: Based on a questionnaire survey of theater audiences)
Japanese Philosophy of Mind-Body and Mindfulness: Re-Envisioning the Concepts of Shinshin-ichinyo and Nen in Zen Culture(心身とマインドフルネスの日本の哲学―禅における心身一如と念の概念の再検討―)
Hydrometeorological Disaster Risk Analysis in the Upper Indus Basin, Pakistan by Using a Global Climate Dataset(全球気候データセットを用いたパキスタン・インダス川上流域の水文気象災害リスク解析)
Improvement in executive functions is associated with early music performance skills in a musical instrument training for older adults: the Yao pianica project(高齢者への楽器訓練による実行機能の向上は初期演奏スキルと関連している:八尾ピアニカプロジェクト)
Towards a comprehensive Disaster Risk and Social Vulnerability nexus in Rio de Janeiro Resettlement Policies :Application of Social Vulnerability Index to Rio de Janeiro Resettlement Policies(リオデジャネイロの再定住政策における災害リスクと社会的脆弱性の関連性 ― リオデジャネイロの再定住政策への社会的脆弱性指標の適用)
Network Analysis of the Gender Gap in International Remittances by Migrants(金融包摂におけるジェンダーギャップのネットワーク解析)
Soft Error Simulation of Computers in a Wooden Satellite under the High Energy Radiation in Outer Space(宇宙放射線による人工衛星ソフトウエアエラーの頻度計算)
Racial Discrimination toward Foreign Staff by Customers: Case Study of Two Hospitality Facilities in Japan(顧客による外国人スタッフへの人種差別―日本における二つの宿泊施設のケーススタディ―)
An Open Dataset and Machine Learning Algorithms for Niacin Skin-flushing Response Based Screening of Psychiatric Disorders(ナイアシン皮膚紅潮反応に基づく精神疾患診断のためのオープンデータセットと機械学習アルゴリズム)
ベトナム系ニューカマー高校生の生活世界(The Life World of Vietnamese High School Students in Japan)

Academic Year 2020

同世代と異世代の他者との社会的相互作用によって記銘された記憶の想起に関連する神経メカニズムとその加齢変化(Effects of aging on the neural mechanisms underlying the recollection of memories encoded by social interactions with persons in the same and different age groups.)
京都市内のソーシャルネットワークにおけるコミュニティ構造の安定性の統計力学的検証(Verfication of Statistical Mechanical Stability of Community Structure on Social Network in Kyoto City)
開発援助と援助国の経済的国益 -日本のODAによる貿易投資促進効果の分析-(Official Development Assistance and Economic Interests of Donor : An Analysis of the Trade and Investment Promotion Effect of Japan’s ODA)
A Proposal of a Preprocessing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning for Improving the Accuracy of Marine Animal Identification(海洋生物識別の精度向上のための深層強化学習を用いた前処理手法の提案)
京都大学飛騨天文台SMART/SDDIを用いたフィラメント噴出・消失現象の3次元速度場の導出(Determination of 3D velocity fields of the erupting solar filament on 2016 August 9 using SMART/SDDI at Hida Observatory)
Self-Knowledge and Cosmopolitanism: A Conceptual Study on Mindfulness and its Implication for International Education(自覚とコスモポリタニズムの思想研究-国際教育の場におけるマインドフルネスの実装-)
Risk of temperature differences in geothermal wells and generation strategies of geothermal power(地熱井の温度差のリスクと地熱発電の発電戦略)
グローバル・バリューチェーンのネットワーク解析とその国際統合指標による解釈(Network Analysis on Global Value Chains and the Interpretation by International Economic Integration Index)
再生可能エネルギーと原子力を用いた水素コジェネレーションの経済性評価(Economical Evaluation of Hydrogen Cogenerationby Renewable Energies and Nuclear Energies)
GPSデータを用いて構築した動的なネットワークにおける移動経路の評価と探索(Evaluation and search of travel routes in dynamic networks constructed using GPS data)
Improved Verbal Working Memory in Healthy Older Adults after a 10-Week Musical Instrument Training: A Randomized-Controlled Trial(10週間の楽器演奏介入による健常高齢者の言語的ワーキングメモリの向上)
A Region Based Heat Wave Health Risk Evaluation Model Using Heat Wave Disaster Risk Index(暑さ指数による熱波のリスク評価モデル-日本における熱波の健康への影響について-)
Reality, Mindfulness, and Meta-awareness in Tibetan Philosophy:An Analysis of Yeshe Gyaltsen on Balancing the Mind.(チベット哲学におけるリアリティ、マインドフルネス、メタ認知 -心の安定に関するイェシェ・ギェルツェンの著作の分析-)
A Study on Obstacles to Women’s Empowerment in Japan: From the Analysis of Prefectural Disaster Management Councils(日本における女性の社会参画の障壁に関する研究―都道府県防災会議の分析から―)
Biological Effects of Nitric Oxide-Releasing Metal Organic Polyhedra(一酸化窒素放出金属有機フレームワーク(MOP)生物医学アッセイのためのプラットフォームの開発)
Muslims’Way of Life in a Secular Milieu:Transformations of The Concept of Ummah in Contemporary China(二十世紀中国におけるウンマ概念の変容:ムスリム知識人のクルアーン漢訳を例に)
Chinju no Mori: Research on the Sustainability of Japanese Sacred Groves(鎮守の森―日本の神聖な森林の持続可能性に関する研究)
A Study on the Historical Transportation Accessibility of China during Tang Dynasty and Its Socioeconomic Impact(唐時代の中国における交通アクセスビリティとその社会経済的影響に関する研究)

Academic Year 2019

The Influence of Self-Referential Processing on Memory Following Attention Orienting(共同注意における自己関連付け効果が記憶に及ぼす影響について)
Japanese Elementary School Students’ Motivation to Learn English(日本の小学生の第二言語を学ぶ動機づけについて)
A Study on the Effect of Photo-Shooting in Cultural Experience: A Flow Theory Perspective(文化体験における写真撮影の効果に関する研究-フロー理論の視点から-)
インド中等教育における「Work Experience教育」に関する一考察-女性のエンパワーメントの観点から(A Study on“Work Experience Education”School Student in India :From the Perspective of Woman Empowerment)
低関心層との科学コミュニケーションに関する研究(Study on Scientific Communication with Low Awareness Groups)
教育現場におけるポジティブ心理学の応用 ―オーストラリアの学校におけるケーススタディー―(An Application of Positive Psychology to Educational Settings: A Case Study in One Australian School)
Blockmodeling of Determinants of Attitudes towards Immigrants, in East and Southeast Asia: Similarities, Determinants, and Dependencies (東および東南アジアの移民に対する態度の決定要因のプロックモデル:類似性、決定要因、および依存関係)
選挙区格差の再考―代表度指標の提案―(Rethinking The Malapportionment problem: Proposal of Representativeness Index)
水害常襲地における住民の対応と復興に関する実態と課題: スリランカにおける豪雨洪水災害を事例に(Local Residents’ Responses and Rehabilitation in a Flood-Prone Area: A Case Study of Heavy Monsoon and Flood Disaster in Sri Lanka)
Gods in the Trees: Case Study of Japan’s Sacred Forests and Their Significance for Sustainable Development
幼児における好奇心と認知機能の関係の研究一探索活動と主観的好奇心評価の2面からの検討一(A Study on the Relationship between Curiosity and Cognitive Function in Infants: An Examination from Two Factors·Exploratory Behavior and the Subjective Assessment of CUl’iosity)
Study on the Fulfilment of Economic and Social Rights of Displaced Syrians in Turkey: The Right to Health under International Human Rights Law(トルコにおけるシリア難民の社会経済権の実現に関する考察:国際人権法上の健康への権利について)
伝統工芸産業のネットワーク構造とブロックチェーン技術の適用可能性(Network structure of traditional craft industry in Kyoto and the potential application of blockchain technology)
情感性と生存力―ミシェル・アンリの生と文化の現象学の分析―(Affectivity and Survivability: An Analysis of Michel Henry’s Phenomenology of Life and Culture)
国内避難民とその支援―ミャンマー連邦共和国マンダレー管区における僧院学校を事例として―(Internally Displaced Persons and Their Support: A Case Study of Monastic Education Schools in Mandalay, Myanmar)

Academic Year 2018

An Assessment of Rural Electrification in Kenya(ケニアにおける地方電化の評価について)
2015年台風18号上陸時における一級水系の最適化計算と淡水流出の日本海洋沿岸域への影響 (Modeling of Extreme Freshwater Discharge and Influence from Japanese First-Class Rivers to Coastal Zones)
多国籍企業と国際的租税回避-条約漁りを中心として - (Multinational Enterprises and International taxation: A study of treaty shopping)

Academic Year 2017

コミュニティ・ポリシング導入とソーシャル・キャピタルが安全・安心に与える影響に関する研究 (The Impact of Introduction of Community Policing and the Social Capital to the Safety and Security)
Space Weather Prediction by the Ground-based Telescopes(地上望遠鏡による宇宙天気予測)
反射スペクトルの線形性を用いたリモートセンシングによる植生域での熱水変質帯抽出手法の開発(Developing Detection Method of Geothermal Altered Minerals in Vegetation Areas by using of Linearity of the Reflection Spectrum from Remote Sensing)
交通整備制度の変遷を踏まえた交通施設整備財源の負担者構成に関する国際間比較(International Comparison on the Composition of Payers for Transportation Improvements Considering the Transition in Its Financial Systems)
Evaluation of Pyrrole-Imidazole Polyamides Targeting RUNX Binding Sites(転写因子RUNXの結合部位をターゲットとしたピロール・イミダゾールポリアミドの評価)
Freshwater spring indicator taxa of benthic invertebrates(底生動物を用いた湧水指標種に関する研究)
A study on Internet addiction and its influence on acculturation of international students in Japan(インターネット依存症が在日留学に対する影響についての研究)
ビジネスにおける天候リスクをヘッジする金融商品の開発-関西電力と北海道電力の実証研究をもとに(Development of Weather Derivatives to Hedge the Business Risk.-Based on Empirical Research of Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. and Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc.)
超高齢社会における障害者福祉のあり方に関する研究-横浜市における重症心身障害児・者の医療的ケア等のデータを用いた福祉サービスのニーズとQOLの分析- (A Study on the Social Welfare for the Persons with Disabilities in an Extremely Aged Society: With Special)
食品ロスの個性化-関西におけるフードバンク受益施設と末端受益者をめぐって-(Singularization of Food Waste: Activities of Food Bank Recipients and Organizations in Kansai Region, Japan)

Academic Year 2016

気候変動政策の費用分配原理に関する政治哲学的考察(Study on Cost Distribution Principle for Climate Change Policy: Perspective on Political Philosophy)
途上国における持続可能な発展に関する研究-ベトナムでの再生可能エネルギー促進を中心に-(Sustainable Development in Developing Countries: Case Study of Renewable Energy Promotion in Vietnam)
細胞小器官に蓄積した異常タンパク質による細胞毒性の発現機構(Analysis of cellular toxicity induced by accumulation of abnormal protein in organelles)
公共哲学の理論と実践-ハンナ・アーレントにおける共通感覚の含意- (Theory and Practice of Public Philosophy: The Implication of Hannah Arendt’s Sensus Communis)
ルワンダ学生の英語学習に対する動機づけ-教授言語変更の影響に着目して- (Motivation of Students in Rwanda for Learning English: Focusing on Effects of Change in the Medium of Instruction)
海洋バイオマス由来セルロース及びヘミセルロースからの高効率エタノール生産を目指した酵母の分子生物学的育種 (Molecular breeding of yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, for efficient ethanol production of cellulose and hemicellulose derived from marine biomass)
伯母川ビオ・パークおよび集水域におけるノンポイント由来の化学物質の分布把握 (Study on Chemical Substances Distribution from Non-point Sources in Oba River Bio Park Treatment Facilities and the Catchment Area)
日本における固定価格買取制度の政策過程の研究 (A Research on the Policy Process of Feed-in Tariff in Japan)
西表島における1960年代以降の土地利用の変遷とその社会文化的背景 (The History of Land Use in Iriomote Island form the 1960 and Its Sociocultural Background)

Overseas Internship

Please click here for more information about Overseas Internship.

Academic Year 2019

Health Enterprise East Ltd., United Kingdom
International Labour Organization(ILO), Regional Office for East and South-East Asia, Thailand Report
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD), France
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Academic Year 2018

European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO), Italy
Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, United States
International Energy Agency(IEA), France
United Nations Development Programme(UNDP), Thailand
United Nations Development Programme(UNDP), Japan Report
United Nations Development Programme(UNDP), Viet Nam
University of California, Davis, United States
National Center for Child Health and Development(NCCHD), Japan

Academic Year 2017

Creativ-Ceutical, France Report
The Getty Conservation Institute(GCI), United States
International Energy Agency(IEA), France Report
International Water Association(IWA), Netherlands
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, United States  
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD), France  
The Scripps Research Institute(TSRI), United States Report
United Nations Environment(UN Environment), Switzerland
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO), France Report Report
UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (UNESCO-IICBA), Ethiopia

Academic Year 2016

Australian Council for Educational Research(ACER), Australia Report
International Energy Agency(IEA), France
International Water Association(IWA), Netherlands Report
Paanyasastra University of Cambodia(PUC), Cambodia
United Nations Development Programme(UNDP), Cambodia
United Nations Development Programme(UNDP), Timor-Leste Report
United Nations Development Programme(UNDP), Fiji
World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO), Switzerland Report

Academic Year 2015

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation(CSIRO), Australia
Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia(ERIA), Indonesia  
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO), Italy
International Energy Agency(IEA), France
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD), France

Project-Based Research(PBR)

Please click here for more information about Project-Based Research(PBR).

Academic Year 2019

Mbuli Charles BOLIKO A Stakeholder Workshop on How to Expand Private Investment in Renewable Energy in Africa
Ye SUN Environmental education on foreign tourists in Japan
Yugo TANAKA 発展途上国のエネルギーシステム転換に向けた政策デザインの実践
Moe FUJITA 巨大災害・航空機被曝・自動運転リスクに対応する保険設計のためのインターンシッ プ・インタビュー・役員発表とワークショップ
Ayaka NOMURA FAO and KU Joint Project on Food Waste Reduction on KU Campus and Capacity Building
Yusuke SASAKI サイエンスを志した人々の物語から紡ぐ「博士号」の先にあるキャリアパス 〜海外大学・研究所・企業で働く方へのインタビューを通じて〜
Tatsuya IMAMURA ナイジェリア北東部の紛争地域に対する国際機関の活動に対する補正予算を通じた支援、および、草の根無償を通じた人間の安全保障への貢献
Nanao FUJIMURA 西表島におけるサステイナブル・ツーリズム実現に向けたCollective Impact Model導入プロジェクト
Narumi MOTEGI 超高齢社会と向き合う―ダウン症候群をめぐる医療と福祉―

Academic Year 2018

Tetsuya KAWATA Diffuse pollutionのWater utilityに対する現況の情報収集と水関係者を通した社会への発信
Yuki OKU Cross-linking between basic life science research and society
Kyoko KIRIYAMA Conservation of Archaeological Sites based on local communities
Keitou SHU Development of Research Infrastructure in the Startup Bio-Venture Company for Establishment the De Dacto Standard of the Methodology to Cure Pancreatic Cancer
Tomoharu TAKAHASHI Considering Career Education in Rwanda
Go OKUI 哲学と政治の緊張関係における観照的実践の意義の検証

Academic Year 2017

Alexander Ryota KEELEY Developing Assessment Guideline for FDI in Mini-Hydro Energy through Social Implementation in Japan and Analysis of Enabling Environment in Indonesia
Shotaro NAGANUMA Development and Evaluation of Science Learning Aids for Students in Humanities course (SLASH)
Miharu HIRANO Public participation in the regulation of urban water services
Taizo YOKOYAMA Action Research for Form and Sense of Dialogue in Self-Help Group
Shanji LI A new mechanism under intellectual property regime for the utilization of upstream scientific research in diseases of poor

Academic Year 2016(Project-Based Learning : PBL)

Shinhye LEE
(Graduate School of Agriculture, KU)
Healthier and Tastier:The sensory evaluation of Australian nutrition bars in Japanese consumers
(Graduate School of Agriculture, KU)
(Graduate School of Economics, KU)

Service Learning(overseas until Academic Year 2018)

Please click here for more information about Service Learning.

Academic Year 2020

WASAVI Program

Academic Year 2019

Academic Year 2018


Academic Year 2017


Academic Year 2016


Academic Year 2015


Academic Year 2014


Academic Year 2013


Working Paper

Academic Year 2019

Yugo TANAKA Policy Framing of Power System Integration Revisited: What are the priorities for ASEAN? Abstract
Ayaka NOMURA Anthropology of Policy Recommendation in United Nations and its Action Abstract
Moe FUJITA 巨大災害・航空機被曝・自動運転リスクに対応する

Feasibility Study of Agricultural Insurance and WIBI in Myanmar

Narumi MOTEGI The evidence dissemination in collaborative environment: an international study and the practice of the dissemination process on the super-ageing of Down syndrome Abstract
Ye SUN Report on Oversea Internship and Project-based Research Abstract
Mbuli Charles BOLIKO A Review of the Fundamental Pillars of the GSAIS Curriculum which Promote Academic, Professional and Personal Development Abstract
Yusuke SASAKI Career interview from Ph.D. scientists

Novel pathway construction and optimization of Corynebacterium glutamicum for next generation biofuel production

Nanao FUJIMURA A  Field  Survey  on  Successful  Sustainable  Tourism
Practices in Lake Tahoe and Monterey Bay, California, and its Application to Iriomote Island, Japan
Tatsuya IMAMURA Observation and Insight of United Nations Development Programme Timor-Leste Governance Unit Programme Assistant Intern and Ambassador’s Special Advisor of the Embassy of Japan in Nigeria Abstract

Academic Year 2018

Yuki OKU Cross-linking between basic life science research and society
Keitou SHU Development of Research Infrastructure in the Startup Bio-Venture Company for Establishment the De Dacto Standard of the Methodology to Cure Pancreatic Cancer
Tomoharu TAKAHASHI Research to Practice-Through experiences at UNESCO
Kyoko KIRIYAMA Conservation of Archaeological Sites based on local communities Sandstone Conservation Project

Academic Year 2017

Alexander Ryota KEELEY Developing Assessment Guideline for FDI in Mini-Hydro Energy through Social Implementation in Japan and Analysis of Enabling Environment in Indonesia
Shotaro NAGANUMA Development and Evaluation of Science Learning Aids for Students in Humanities course (SLASH)
Miharu HIRANO ‘Translators’ Wanted: The Roles of Legal Experts in the Time of Global Water Governance
Taizo YOKOYAMA Action Research for Form and Sense of Dialogue in Self-Help Group - Report and Discussion –
Shanji LI A scheme of promoting innovations in upstream scientific research in the fight against malaria - Through a pilot initiative –

Academic Year 2016

Shinhye LEE
(Graduate School of Agriculture, KU)
Consumer Insight and sensory evaluation Abstract Working Paper
(Graduate School of Agriculture, KU)
5-year journey with Shishu-kan and its contribution to future development Abstract Working Paper
(Graduate School of Economics, KU)
Energy Resources, Economy and Sustainability of Russia* A comprehensive analysis in a domestic and international context Abstract Working Paper

Annual Report by Shishu-kan Students

Academic Year 2019

Academic Year 2018

Academic Year 2017

Ton-ichi Talk


Facebook by Shishu-kan Students

Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability,
Kyoto University

1 Nakaadachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku,
Kyoto 606-8306, JAPAN
TEL +81-75-762-2001 / FAX +81-75-762-2277