Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (Shishu-Kan), Kyoto University





  • IALNAZOV, Dimiter Savov

    Political Economy, Economic Development, System Change towards Renewable Energy in Emerging and Developing Economies
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    Searching for solutions of
    economic development problems

    IALNAZOV, Dimiter Savov

    My research is about policies and institutions for economic development in the age of globalization. About 20 years ago I started by asking myself two simple questions: (1) why are certain countries more successful than others in achieving rapid economic growth and development, and (2) why do the outcomes of similar economic policies vary across countries? To answer the above questions, one should learn how to compare emerging and developing countries according to the ways in which they are integrated in the global economy, as well as the quality of their institutions. Students who would like to study under my supervision will need critical thinking about various theories of comparative economic development and a strong will to look for practical solutions (not necessarily based on those theories). Recently, my research has been shifting towards topics like “sustainable development”, “green economy” or “green growth”, and “green transformations” in emerging and developing countries. This implies that the future solutions of economic development problems should also include policies and institutions that reduce the damage to the natural environment and improve society’s resilience to natural disasters.

    Examples of my students’ research topics

    The transition to renewable energy in emerging economies and developing countries, evaluation of poverty alleviation programs using solar energy, environmental management in the subsidiaries of Japanese companies in developing countries, zero carbon cities in Japan, sustainable assessment of rural electrification using solar energy in developing countries, etc.

  • IKEDA, Yuichi

    Data science, Network science, Computational science
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    Ultimate Fate of the Economy

    IKEDA, Yuichi

    The globalization of the economy is progressing with the rise of emerging countries. While the economy has developed vigorously, complex problems such as recurrence of financial and economic crises, the finite natural and energy resources, and environmental destruction have emerged. Will the Earth in its current extension reach an equilibrium where every nation becomes richer or will it enter a catastrophe? No one can answer the question with confidence. This is because it is a new frontier that emerged at the beginning of the 21st century that cannot be addressed by individual academic disciplines. I think everyone is lucky to have come around in these times. You will experience difficulties and setbacks in the process of venturing into new frontiers. However, the effort is sure to pay off. The world is watching your challenge. We want you to feel confidence and dare to take on the challenge. A final word. "A rolling stone gathers no moss, but it acquires transferable skills."

  • NAGAYAMA Hiroaki

    Electricity policy, renewable energy policy, electricity business management, internatinal cooperation
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    NAGAYAMA Hiroaki

    To students
    After graduating from university, I joined Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI), and worked there from 1988 to 2007, I mainly consulted on the business strategies of major Japanese companies, designing overseas business strategy. I was also closely involved in ODA (Official Development Assistance) projects farmed out by the World Bank, JICA, NEDO, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Japanese government in Asia, Central and South America, which mainly focused on the restructuring of the power sector, and the formulation of renewable energy plans. While I worked at MRI, I obtained an MBA from Yale University, and stayed at Cambridge University as a visiting researcher in the Faculty of Applied Economics for one year. I earned a PhD from the Graduate School of Energy Science at Kyoto University, and joined Kyoto University in 2008. Since joining Kyoto University, I have been involved in power policy in developing countries, and have been involved in the formulation of electricity master-plans for Myanmar and Iran, and power research projects in Pakistan, Ghana, Laos, and the Philippines. As a member of the Council for Mass Introduction of Renewable Energy of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Japanese government, I make recommendations on what Japan's renewable energy policy should be. I arrived at the Shinshu kan (Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability) in October 2020. At Shinshu kan, I would like students to experience the policy-making process at home and abroad as much as possible.

    Favorite saying " Each morning without saying a word, I put on my straw sandals and go out to start my day" by Santouka

  • SAITO Kei

    Green Chemistry, Sustainable Chemistry, Circular Economy, Polymer Chemistry
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    Feb 29, 2024 10 min [View]


    SAITO Kei

    My research interests are in developing new synthesis and production methods for novel sustainable/environment benign materials and alternative energy materials based on the principles of Green Chemistry and Circular Economy. Come and join us!!
    Green chemistry is an academic field in chemistry that is concerned with the design of safe processes and products. In addition, when green chemistry is used in material production, the new material should not only be more environmentally benign but also perform as well and be more economical than alternative materials. Green and Sustainable Chemistry research should not be restricted to research in just using safe chemistry for processes or making safe products that already exist. New and innovative technology is key for green chemistry research, and innovative technology will make the processes.

  • YAMASHIKI, Yosuke

    Earth & Planetary Science (Water Resources Engineering, Aquatic and Environmental Engineering,Solar Terrestrial System Science)


    YAMASHIKI, Yosuke

    I have been working with UN agencies as UNEP and UNESCO for the conservation of dams and reservoirs in the La Plata River basin in South America in order to establish a framework for the basin to solve related environmental problems. I am also involved in research related to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident. In addition, based on experiences in hydrological and radiological issues on the Earth, we are expanding our research into space and working with Mars and exoplanets.

    Today, we must set two conflicting goals, such as sustainable development and symbiosis with the Earth, and conservation of the local environment and increasing employment. We are searching for a solution to this problem and have named it "Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability." A true global leader needs a deep understanding of the global issues and have insight into what is happening, and when it comes time to act, they must be able to move quickly, while involving world leaders and international organizations. In addition, research into the possibility of migration to other planets will begin in earnest in 2020. If you are interested in earth and space development, why don’t you join us?

  • DEROCHE, Marc-Henri
    Associate Professor

    Philosophy, Buddhist Studies
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    Study, Reflection and Practice (聞思修):
    In Quest for Wisdom

    DEROCHE, Marc-Henri
    Associate Professor

    The model of “study, reflection and practice” (聞思修) has been used across centuries in Asia and Japan in order to express the way to grow in wisdom (智慧). Facing global challenges, we definitely need wise leaders. But what is wisdom? My goal is to offer to students the necessary historical and intellectual background in humanities and world philosophy, encapsulated by the ancient Greek maxim “Know Thyself” or its Buddhist parallel “To Know One’s Own Mind as It Truly Is” (如實知自心). Following a rather cross-cultural approach, I aim at giving students the necessary resources in order to adapt skilfully in intercultural environments, cultivating a deeper understanding of cultural diversity, minorities, and exchanges between civilizations. My own research focuses on the Buddhist “quest for wisdom” (philosophia) through textual and historical study, fieldwork research in Asia and the Himalayan regions, and interdisciplinary collaboration with other philosophers or cognitive scientists. In this way, I envision my contribution to Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability according to (1) the preservation of the cultural and intellectual heritage of humanity, and (2) the constitution of a new body of knowledge, or “wisdom for survival,” based on the re-appreciation of the most fundamental virtues and human values that are vital for sustainable and harmonious coexistence.

    Examples of my students’ research topics
    “From Mindfulness to Self: The Impact of Mindfulness Practice on Memory Reconsolidation and Self-Concept Change”
    “The Life of Lungtok Gyaltsen (1927-2011): Cultural Survival and Revival of Buddhism in Contemporary Eastern Tibet”
    “A Study on Reinterpreting the Mind and Mental Factors in the Mahāyāna Yogācāra Tradition: A Journey from Ancient Buddhist Philosophy to Modern Psychological Contexts”
    “To Settle the Body, the Breath, and the Mind: Meditation Manuals of the Rinzai Zen School in Postwar Japan”
    “Re-envisioning Higher Education with Mindfulness: Ancient Sources, Cross-Cultural Philosophy, and Integrated Applications”
    “Mindfulness Training in Tranquil Abiding Meditation in Tibet: A Study of Yeshe Gyaltsen (1713–1793), His Predecessors, and Implications for Contemporary Education”

  • KANAMURA, Takashi
    Associate Professor

    Commodity Finance, Energy Finance
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    KANAMURA, Takashi
    Associate Professor

    Based on the theory of finance, I conduct research to solve global issues in commodity markets, energy markets, carbon markets and sustainable investment. Specifically, in addition to the research on energy and carbon market risk management, I am interested in research on the effectiveness of sustainable finance such as clean energy investment, green bond and ESG investment.

  • MIZUMOTO Kenji
    Associate Professor

    Health Science, Medical Science, Infectious disease epidemiology
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    MIZUMOTO Kenji
    Associate Professor

    Dr. Kenji Mizumoto, an expert in infectious disease epidemiology, is a Program-Specific Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability at Kyoto University. Before coming to Kyoto, Dr. Mizumoto was a clinical assistant professor at the School of Public Health at Georgia State University. His professional interests include the study of the effectiveness of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions against infectious disease. Using a variety of epidemiological methods and statistical/mathematical modelling, he aims to identify optimal public health strategies based on scientific data that can lead effective policy-making decisions. Prior to pursuing public health research, Mizumoto worked as a clinician at several hospitals in Japan and served as a medical officer for the Office of Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response at the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan. After the March 2011 earthquake in Japan, Mizumoto provided medical support in disaster-stricken areas as well as worked as part of a national support team for the health ministry. During his time in medical school, he also completed his MPH in the United States.

  • SEKIYAMA Takashi

    International Political Economy, Environmental Politics, Law and Development
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    Jan 12, 2024 7 min [View]


    SEKIYAMA Takashi

    Before joining GSAIS in 2019, I experienced policy-making at the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and studied at graduate schools in Japan, China, and the United States. My research field is International Political Economy. In particular, I am interested in the cross-border interaction between politics and economics as well as its impact on environmental, economic and social sustainability. Geographically, I have been involved in a variety of projects related to the Asia-Pacific region, such as economic diplomacy toward Southeast Asia, Japan-China exchange programs, and researches on Japan, China, and the United States. Also, as a researcher, I have actively devoted myself to policy-making of national and local governments. I am looking forward to working for better future together with you: especially, those who want to engage in policy-making at national governments or international organizations; those who want to be successful in dynamic Asia; and those who want to contribute to realizing a sustainable society. See you at GSAIS!

    Examples of my students’ research topics
    Political economy of global environmental issues, the effects of international aid, survey of migrants and refugees, the effects of international education, sociological investigation of gender issues, international relations in the Indo-Pacific region

  • ZHAO, Liang

    Fundamental Informatics, Computation
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    Welcome to Information Wisdom Theory

    ZHAO, Liang

    Mainly from the view point of informatics, I am interested in interdisciplinary researches including as network algorithms, optimization, machine learning, deep learning, as well as learning theory, wisdom, and life. Calling it the Information Wisdom Theory, I am considering the implementation, limitation and danger of future AI, so as the nature of life, creativity and future world from the aspect of information. If you are interested, you are welcome to discuss these topics with me.


  • MAKINO Koji
    Program-Specific Professor

    International Cooperation, Human Security and Development Economics
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    MAKINO Koji
    Program-Specific Professor

    I have been engaged in the international cooperation over three decades. My career is balanced by project implementation in the fields, policy and institution making and researches. The international cooperation is rapidly developing with new approaches such as DX e.g. satellite, AI and big data. “Theory and practice” or “policy and practice” sometimes works, or doesn’t work well. My research interests address international cooperation, human security and development economics. Recently I’m conducting a research on human security to protect people’s lives, livelihoods, and dignity by creating a resilient society against the compounded crises such as climate change and the war in Ukraine, and a research on SDGs review and post-SDGs. Let’s have a debate together with those who are interested in the reality in the fields such as how theories and policies are materialized or not on the ground!

  • YOSHIKAWA Hitoshi
    Program-Specific Professor

    Applied mechanics, Computational mechanics
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    YOSHIKAWA Hitoshi
    Program-Specific Professor

    I am researching the numerical analysis of partial differential equations that can model various phenomena. Specifically, I am interested in the numerical analysis of time-dependent unsteady problems. Let's analyze phenomena mathematically and numerically and discuss together how to utilize the obtained numerical data in society.

  • SHINOHARA Masatake
    Program-Specific Associate Professor

    Philosophy, Environmental Humanities
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    SHINOHARA Masatake
    Program-Specific Associate Professor

    In the domain of natural science like the earth system science, it is predicted that the ecological circumstances such as global warming, extreme weather and sea rising threaten the realm of human life. From the philosophical stance which theoretically appreciates the fundamental condition of human living and forms a concept of it, it forces us to reconsider the philosophical problem of the human condition. Even though I belong to the domain of humanities, I accept the view of reality proposed by the natural science as the one which urges us to make change of the fundamental assumption underlying the philosophical thinking. I would like to designate the world view concerning to the human condition. In this respect, what is required is the interdisciplinary approach to learn from the natural science and collaborate with practical experts like architects and urban planners.

  • DOI Takao
    Program-Specific Professor

    Human Spaceology


    DOI Takao
    Program-Specific Professor

    I am carrying out educational and research programs to create “Spaceology” which is a new academic discipline that studies human space activities. For education, I am developing a research-educational program on the integrated science of human space activities under a contract with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology. For research, I am leading the Space Wood Laboratory, in which we are conducting experiments to study the physical and chemical characteristics of wood in a vacuum as well as study the growth of trees under low pressure conditions. We are going to develop and operate the first wooden satellite in the world.


  • IIYOSHI, Toru

    Educational Innovation, Higher Education Systems, Open Education

    IIYOSHI, Toru

  • KATSUMI, Takeshi

    Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering

    KATSUMI, Takeshi

  • KAWAKAMI, Koji

    Clinical/Pharmaco-epidemiology, cost effectiveness research

    KAWAKAMI, Koji

  • KUMADA, Takatsune


    KUMADA, Takatsune

  • KUWAJIMA Shuichiro
    Program-Specific Professor

    Innovation Theory, Research for Society-Academia Collaboration, Science & Technology Policy Research, X-ray Analysis

    KUWAJIMA Shuichiro
    Program-Specific Professor

  • MURAKAMI, Yusuke

    Latin American Studies, Political Science

    MURAKAMI, Yusuke

  • MURATA Koji

    Wood science

    KUWAJIMA Shuichiro
    Program-Specific Professor

  • NAKAMURA Masashi

    Wood science, Physiological anthropology

    MURAKAMI, Yusuke

  • OHGAKI, Hideaki

    Accelerator Physics, FEL, Radiation Measurement, Nuclear Security Technology, Energy Education in Asia and Rural Electrification

    OHGAKI, Hideaki

  • SAKAI, Yasuyoshi

    microbial biotechnology, molecular and cellular biology

    SAKAI, Yasuyoshi

  • USAMI, Bunri

    Chinese Philosophy, Chinese art theory

    USAMI, Bunri

  • FUJITA Daishi
    Associate Professor

    Nanotechnology/Materials, Nanostructure chemistry

    FUJITA Daishi
    Associate Professor


  • IZUMI, Reijiro
    Specially Appointed Associate Professor

    Vice Director, Chado Research Center
    Vice Principal, Urasenke Gakuen Professional College of Chado
    Chairman, Wanogakkou NPO

    IZUMI, Reijiro
    Specially Appointed Associate Professor

  • KONDO Tetsuo
    Specially Appointed Professor

    Adjunct Professor at Graduate Schools of Kyoto University, University of Tokyo and Sophia University
    Visiting Professor at Nagasaki University
    Former Director, UNDP Representation Office in Tokyo

    KONDO Tetsuo
    Specially Appointed Professor

  • KONISHI, Masako, Ph.D
    Specially Appointed Professor

    Expert Director (Conservation and Energy), WWF Japan
    Specially Appointed Professor, Faculty of Global Business, Showa Women's University
    Member of the Board, The Toho Bank, LTD

    KONISHI, Masako, Ph.D
    Specially Appointed Professor

  • MAEKAWA, Atsushi
    Specially Appointed Professor

    Senior Fellow

    MAEK Lab.Inc.

    MAEKAWA, Atsushi
    Specially Appointed Professor

  • MORI, Masahiko
    Specially Appointed Professor


    MORI, Masahiko
    Specially Appointed Professor

  • NAKAMURA, Kazuo, Ph.D.
    Specially Appointed Professor

    Representative Director, Chairman and CEO

    NAKAMURA, Kazuo, Ph.D.
    Specially Appointed Professor

    Specially Appointed Professor

    President and CEO, Forma Corporation
    Director General for International Affairs, Science and Technology in Society forum
    Advisor to the President, Mori Building Company Limited
    Member of the Board, Renault SA

    Specially Appointed Professor

  • TAKAHASHI, Reiichiro
    Specially Appointed Professor

    Special Assistant to the Foreign Minister

    TAKAHASHI, Reiichiro
    Specially Appointed Professor

  • TANAKA Nobuo
    Specially Appointed Professor

    Tanaka Global Inc CEO
    International Energy Agency (IEA) Executive Director Emeritus

    TANAKA Nobuo
    Specially Appointed Professor

  • WATANABE Kazufumi “Kaz”
    Specially Appointed Professor

    SOMPO Holdings, Inc. Group CXO*, Executive Vice President and Executive Officer *(Group CXO: Group Chief Transformation Officer)
    Japan Association of Corporate Executives, Trustee
    Former Amazon Japan G.K., Vice President

    WATANABE Kazufumi “Kaz”
    Specially Appointed Professor

  • WATANABE, Nana
    Specially Appointed Professor

    Founder and Chairperson, Ashoka Japan

    WATANABE, Nana
    Specially Appointed Professor

  • YAMAMOTO, Yasumasa
    Specially Appointed Associate Professor

    Kyoto Angel Fund, Inc
    Representative Director

    YAMAMOTO, Yasumasa
    Specially Appointed Associate Professor

  • YAMAZAKI, Naoko
    Specially Appointed Associate Professor

    Rep Director, Space Port Japan Association

    YAMAZAKI, Naoko
    Specially Appointed Associate Professor

    Specially Appointed Associate Professor

    Ripple, Inc.
    Vice President of Strategy & Operations

    Specially Appointed Associate Professor


Name Affiliation Class subject in charge

Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability,
Kyoto University

1 Nakaadachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku,
Kyoto 606-8306, JAPAN
TEL +81-75-762-2001 / FAX +81-75-762-2277