


News:A paper co-authored by Yu Ohki, a graduate student of our school, and Professor Yuichi Ikeda was published in the journal PLOS ONE (August 24, 2022).

A paper co-authored by Yu Ohki, a graduate student of our school, and Professor Yuichi Ikeda was published in the journal PLOS ONE (August 24, 2022).
Based on a network of medical institutions built from claim data, we analyzed the actual state of collaboration among multiple medical institutions and quantitatively clarified the impact of collaboration among medical institutions on the quality of medical care. This paper is the result of joint research by Professor Yuichi Imanaka and Associate Professor Susumu Kunisawa of the Graduate School of Medicine.

Yu Ohki ,Yuichi Ikeda ,Susumu Kunisawa,Yuichi Imanaka (2022)
Regional medical inter-institutional cooperation in medical provider network constructed using patient claims data from Japan,
PLoS ONE 17(8): e0266211.

Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability,
Kyoto University

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