


News The following videos of the international symposium “Transdisciplinary Perspectives: How Can We Evaluate the Convergence of Knowledge?” held in November 2022 were uploaded to GSAIS YouTube channel.

1. Introduction by Prof. Kaoru Sekiyama, Dean of GSAIS

2. Video of the keynote lecture of Prof. Ortwin Renn

3. Video of the keynote lecture of Dr. Shuichi Sakamoto

4. Video of the presentation of Prof. Kei Saito from GSAIS, Kyoto University

5. Video of the presentations of three PhD students from GSAIS, Kyoto University

6. Video of the Q&A and the discussion

Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability,
Kyoto University

1 Nakaadachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku,
Kyoto 606-8306, JAPAN
TEL +81-75-762-2001 / FAX +81-75-762-2277
MAIL info.shishukan@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp