Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (Shishu-Kan), Kyoto University



News The 10th International Symposium "Transdisciplinary Perspectives : "Well-being & Innovation" " was held.

On Monday, November 22, 2021, the 10th International Symposium on “Transdisciplinary Perspectives: “Well-being & Innovation” ” was held online with the cooperation of the Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University (GSE) and the Center for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Education and Research, Kyoto University (CPIER).
The symposium began with a greeting and keynote speech by Professor Kaoru Sekiyama (Dean of Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)), followed by a keynote speech by Professor Tetsuo Sawaragi (Dean of GSE). After each keynote speech, two professors exchange their opinions. Next, seven student teams from the GSAIS and GSE gave presentations. The students are Mr. Go Kazawa, Mr. Toshiki Muraoka, Mr. Hiroaki Sato, and Ms. Atsuko Yasunaga from GSAIS, and Mr. Yuta Ando, Mr. Kazuyasu Yoshino, and Mr. Shogo Sugimoto from GSE. This was followed by lectures by representative speakers from GSAIS, GSE, and CPIER. In the final panel discussion, all speakers had a cross talk on “Innovation to Support Happiness”. The event ended with a great success.


Part 0


(Left) Keynote Speech by Professor Kaoru Sekiyama (Dean of GSAIS): Basic Conditions for Psychological Well-being
(Right) Keynote Speech by Professor Tetsuo Sawaragi (Dean of GSE): Engineering Perspectives on Social Systems: Co-Creation of Values in ”Lebenswelt”


(Upper left and upper right) Exchange of opinions after each keynote speech
(Lower right) Professor Hajime Nabeta, who served as a master of ceremonies for Parts 0, 1, and 2.


Part 1


Presentation by Student team (GSAIS and GSE): Transdisciplinary Perspectives: “Well-being & Innovation”


Part 2


(Left)Presentation by Professor Fumitoshi Matsuno (GSE): Creation of Invisible Robots
(Right)Presentation by Professor Yosuke Yamashiki (GSAIS): A Concept of “Core Biome Complex” for the Space Exploration and Terrestrial Conservation


(Left) Presentation by Professor Kazuo Tanaka (GSE): Development of Advanced Materials through Interdisciplinary Approaches, “Chemicals-inspired Biomaterials”
(Right) Presentation by Professor Naoki Miyano (CPIER): What is Interdisciplinary Fusion?


(Left) Presentation by Professor Takashi Kaneta (GSE): Towards Sustainable Japanese Construction Industry – Benchmarking Japanese General Contractors & Global Big Tech –
(Right) Presentation by Professor Yuichi Ikeda (GSAIS): Proposing Kyoto’s Social Values to integrate a Divided World through the Collaboration of Human Survivability Study and Engineering Study


Part 3

Panel discussion by all speakers
Professor Kei Saito (GSAIS) who served as a moderator of panel discussion (second from the left in the upper row)

Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability,
Kyoto University

1 Nakaadachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku,
Kyoto 606-8306, JAPAN
TEL +81-75-762-2001 / FAX +81-75-762-2277