



日時: 10月 24日(月)17:30-19:00
場所: 東一条館 大講義室(2F 201)[アクセス]
講師: 谷澤 俊弘 教授 (高知工業高等専門学校 ソーシャルデザイン工学科)
対象: 京都大学に所属する大学生および大学院生(全学年対象)
複雑なシステムが生み出す時系列データのネットワーク表現について— ネットワーク科学の歴史・現状を概観しながら –
Network representation of time dependent complex systems — with a little survey of Network Science —
Since 1998 from its birth, network science has grown to become now one of the main fields of interdisciplinary research encompassing applied mathematics, physics, computer science, epidemiology, social science, and so on. With all of intensive studies these years, however, to obtain a proper network representation from multivariate time series generated by a complex system still remains an open issue. In this talk, I propose a promising candidate for shedding light on this issue. I also discuss the structural robustness of networks that consist of a huge number of elements. As a guide for those who are not familiar with network science, I will add a little survey of this research field.

京都大学大学院 総合生存学館

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