



                                        文責 川田 羽尾
On 25th – 27th August 2016, Kawata and Hao (3rd grade students at GSAIS) participated in a summer seminar held by The Matsushita Institute of Government and Management in Chigasaki, Kanagawa prefecture. The participants were divided into six groups; each two group of them assigned the following three topics, “Education & Cultural policy”, “Environment & Energy”, and “Economic and fiscal policy & Social security”. We discussed all day and all night how the ideal Japan might be in 30 years and what strategy would be necessary to achieve the goal. Since we had a wide variety of backgrounds and specialities, the discussion required us strenuous efforts to assemble our ideas to make a conclusion. Through these struggles, we experienced how new and interesting ideas or perspectives appear. We felt this seminar was indeed a great chance to recognize the significance to accomplish what we can do now for our future. We deeply appreciate all participants and people involved in the seminar.


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