
Date & Time

Monday, 22 November 2021, 12:30-16:40


via Zoom meeting (no fee)

Short Summary

Today, expectations for interdisciplinary research in the relationship between science, technology and innovation are increasing, as the need for the humanities and social sciences explicitly referenced in the 6th Science, Technology and Innovation Basic Plan. This is due to the fact that humanity has the responsibility to solve global issues such as energy, climate change, and poverty etc., and to build a society that can coexist sustainably. Now, we need to change drastically the approach to innovation. Well-being is an essential element for such sustainable coexistence, and the pursuit of appropriate technologies that can promote the sharing of well-being among more people is a challenge for humanity. In this symposium, representative speakers from the Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University and the Center for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Education and Research will be invited to cross-talk about innovation that support well-being with our GSAIS speakers.

第6期科学技術・イノベーション基本計画において、人文・社会科学系分野に対する必要性への明示的な言及は、科学技術とイノベーションとの関係性における学際融合研究への期待の高まりを示していると言えます。 その背景には、人類が、エネルギー、気候変動、貧困といったグローバル課題を解決し、持続的に共存しうる社会を構築する責任を負っていることがあり、したがって、イノベーションへのアプローチも大きく変わる必要があります。 ウェルビーイングはそのような持続的共存のために不可欠な要素であり、より多くの人々がウェルビーイングを推進しうるテクノロジーを追求することは人類の挑戦でもあります。 このシンポジウムでは、京都大学工学研究科と学際融合教育研究推進センターから代表的なスピーカーを招待し、総合生存学館からのスピーカーとともにウェルビーイングを支えるイノベーションについてクロストークを行います。

Please click on the headings below to download.


Part 0 (in Japanese) 12:30-13:10

Keynote address by:

Prof. Kaoru SEKIYAMA (Dean of GSAIS)
Basic Conditions for Psychological Well-being

Prof. Tetsuo SAWARAGI (Dean of GSE)
Engineering Perspectives on Social Systems: Co-Creation of Values in “Lebenswelt”

Part 1 (in English) 13:20-13:40

Presentation by :
Student team (GSAIS and GSE)
Transdisciplinary Perspectives: “Well-being & Innovation”

Part 2 (in English) 13:40-15:50

Presentation by :

Prof. Fumitoshi MATSUNO (GSE)
Creation of Invisible Robots

A Concept of “Core Biome Complex” for the Space Exploration and Terrestrial Conservation

Development of Advanced Materials through Interdisciplinary Approaches, “Chemicals-inspired Biomaterials”

Prof. Naoki MIYANO (CPIER)
What is Interdisciplinary Fusion?

Prof. Takashi KANETA (GSE)
Towards Sustainable Japanese Construction Industry - Benchmarking Japanese General Contractors & Global Big Tech -

Prof. Yuichi IKEDA (GSAIS)
Proposing Kyoto's Social Values to integrate a Divided World through the Collaboration of Human Survivability Study and Engineering Study

Part 3 (in Japanese) 15:50-16:40

Panel discussion by :
Presenters (moderated by Prof. Kei SAITO, GSAIS)

CV & Abstracts

Prof. Kaoru SEKIYAMA (Dean of GSAIS)
Humanities and Philosophy Field
Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)
積山 薫 教授 (総合生存学館長)
京都大学大学院総合生存学館 人文・哲学分野

Prof. Tetsuo SAWARAGI (Dean of GSE)
Mechanical Systems Design Field
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Science
Graduate School of Engineering (GSE)
椹木 哲夫 教授 (工学研究科長)
京都大学大学院工学研究科 機械理工学専攻 機械システム創成学

Prof. Fumitoshi MATSUNO
Mechatronics Field
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Science, GSE
松野 文俊 教授
京都大学大学院工学研究科 機械理工学専攻 メカトロニクス

Prof. Yosuke YAMASHIKI
Informatics and Environmental Studies Field, GSAIS
山敷 庸亮 教授
京都大学大学院総合生存学館 情報・環境分野

Prof. Kazuo TANAKA
Polymerization Chemistry Field
Dept. of Polymer Chemistry, GSE
Dept. of Technology and Ecology, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies (GSGES)
田中 一生 教授
京都大学大学院工学研究科 高分子化学専攻 重合化学分野
京都大学大学院地球環境学堂 地球親和技術学廊

Associate Prof. Naoki MIYANO
Center for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Education and Research (CPIER)
宮野 公樹 准教授

Prof. Takashi KANETA
Architecture System and Management Field
Dept. of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, GSE
金多 隆 教授
京都大学大学院工学研究科建築学専攻 建築社会システム工学

Prof. Yuichi IKEDA
Science and Technology Field, GSAIS
池田 裕一 教授
京都大学大学院総合生存学館 理工分野

Prof. Kei SAITO
Science and Technology Field, GSAIS
齋藤 敬 教授
京都大学大学院総合生存学館 理工分野


English(Part I, Part II)
Japanese(Part 0, Part III)


Free of charge, but advance registration is required (until 12:00 on 22 November 2021).
Please register online at the following web site:


- Graduate School of Advanced Integrated studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS), Kyoto University

Collaborated by

- the Graduate School of Engineering (GSE), Kyoto University
- the Center for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Education and Research (CPIER), Kyoto University

About the Organizer

The Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS/ Shishukan) runs a 5-year PhD program aiming to raise young future leaders who can find novel solutions to complex social issues such as climate change, resource depletion, biodiversity loss, poverty, and inequality, food security, population pressure, the spread of infectious diseases, etc. Human Survivability Studies is an integrated academic field that aims to integrate knowledge or wisdom from individual disciplines related to the survival of mankind and global society. Our final goal is to contribute to the creation of a sustainable future for humanity. To learn more, please visit the web site of GSAIS