



Last update: 2023-10-04

Deadline: 17:00, 13 December, 2023 (Tokyo time, UTC+9)

You need to submit a self-promotion video in MPEG4 format (recommended) or a Powerpoint slideshow with narration (not recommended since Powerpoint files depend on the computer environment). The requirements for the file are the following.

filename: Use a filename like “familyName_givenName_hhmm.mp4” where hhmm is the time when you upload it.
Length: no more than 3 minutes
Size: no more than 30MB
You may submit it by uploading it to a video sharing site accessible from Japan such as YouTube, Vimeo, Youku and sending us the link to it by email (preferred for videos). Or, you may save it on recording media (DVD-R、DVD-RW, etc.) and mail it with application documents.(Note that the submitted recording media will not be returned.) We will comfirm your submission and in case of trouble, ask you for a re-submission before 14 December. Don’t attach your file directly by email.

Contact: gsais-kyomu @ mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp Subject: Self-promotion video (Your Name)

Tips on how to create a video or a slideshow with narration
To create a video or a slideshow with narration you can search on the Internet to find the best way that fits your situations. Here we also provide some tips.

Tip 1: You may use Zoom (recommended.): you can start a Zoom Meeting with only yourself and record the meeting into an MP4 file. See howto.

Tip 2: You may use a desktop recording software to create an MP4 file. The latest Mac and Windows have standard methods for that purpose. See how to do it on Mac or on Windows 10, or you can search on the Internet to find others.

Tip 3: You may use Powerpoint to create a slideshow with narration, see Microsoft’s document. Notice that this method is not recommended since Powerpoint files depend on the version, OS and fonts hence may not be shown exactly the same way as what you see.

Of course you can use other methods as well. Furthermore, you may consider to use a video-editing software for better effect (e.g., to meet the time limit). Just for an example, OpenShot is a free video-editing software.

Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability,
Kyoto University

1 Nakaadachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku,
Kyoto 606-8306, JAPAN
TEL +81-75-762-2001 / FAX +81-75-762-2277
MAIL info.shishukan@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp